The Daemon, by Anthony Peake
Peake’s basic thesis is that each human being is a binary intelligence—the Daemon and the Eidolon. This isn’t a new idea. It’s mentioned in classical Pagan thought. Peake’s “take” on the Daemon and Eidolon, however, is unique. He believes that each of us has lived this life before, multiple times, and something deep within the subconscious of our younger self knows the future. Déjà vu is the proof—the feeling that you’ve lived a particular situation before.
The book strives to look at scientific evidence, stating that we have two hemispheres of the brain, and the Daemon springs from the right, non-verbal hemisphere. It communicates to the Eidolon via images or hunches. Sometimes the Daemon is heard by the person as a discarnate voice. According to Peake, the Daemon exists outside of time and knows what has happened and what will happen. I find these ideas fascinating, because they resonate with my own life experience, which is why I bought the book in the first place. I would recommend it to those interested in explorations in consciousness.
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